Behavioural Styles Questionnaire
Use this simple questionnaire to find your DISC numbers
(Note: the questionnaire may take a few seconds to load)
Please read these instructions carefully:
Stay Relaxed and Honest: There are no right or wrong answers. Your responses are confidential.
Be Yourself: Answer the questions based on how you truly are now, not how you wish to be.
Rank the Comments:
Choose the comment that describes you the best and write a 4 next to it.
Pick the next best comment and write a 3 next to it.
Pick the next best comment and write a 2 next to it.
Finally the last comment should be the least like you - enter a 1 next to it.
Complete all sections by following the same process for all sections.
Check Your Total: Make sure the total of your rankings is 150. Each set of comments should use each number (1, 2, 3, and 4) only once.