With the continued growth in the Virtual Assistant (VA) industry around the world, and in Australia, there are more and more VA businesses starting up. So, it’s important that you put your best foot forward from the word go and really stand out from the crowd (and your competition).
And let me tell you... what clients are looking for is not a secret, but if you want to be in any way successful as a VA, then these Rockstar qualities are super important to be aware of and, where possible, demonstrate.
Let me be very clear here… if your initial contact with a potential client is an email and/or proposal that’s sloppy, doesn’t address the criteria, or is full of grammatical and spelling errors, I can guarantee that you’re going to wipe out right there and then because, in the mind of the client, why would they choose someone who can’t put the effort in to get their application right? So, take the time to proof any communications that go out to potential clients, and also make sure your website is up to scratch – get someone to proof read it for you if you must, but make sure it’s perfect!
Do you ‘own’ your mistakes when they occur (as they do from time to time) and if they occur, do you rectify them? Are you ‘as good as your word’? Remember, your client needs to feel confident that they can trust you with their sensitive information (and also with their clients) because you will be representing them and their business in the big wide world. Potential clients will look for evidence of this in your day to day business practices, so ensure that you are being the best you can be in all that you do!
Are you proactive in your approach, or do you focus in on the problem rather than the solution? Can you think outside the square? Can you be relied on to be held accountable? Being solution focused is a critical skill that you can bring to the mix, and will be a valued quality to any clients you work with.
It’s super important that you are accessible and contactable because, in the client’s mind, there’s no point retaining a VA who is always MIA (and, believe me, it does happen). A Rockstar VA will let the client know up front how best to communicate with them in normal circumstances – as well as in an emergency. They will also clearly outline when they are available (and when they won’t be). It is very important that you identify and establish the communication expectation with your client from the word go.
Are you wanting to get started as a Rockstar VA? The VA Institute can help with that - just get in touch to find out how!